Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Essay 1 Importance of Literacy

Essay 1 Importance of Literacy

Q The Assignment: In an expository essay of 2,000 words or more, address one of the following prompts. This essay should feature a well-developed thesis and appropriate evidence to support your thesis. You must engage and cite at least two essays assigned in this class, at least two outside essays, and you should include your own experiences or observations. Option 1: Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass discuss the importance of literacy in creating positive social change, while David Raymond describes overcoming personal challenges related to reading. In what ways can reading and writing be used to address inequality or an unjust situation--either on a large scale or for individuals? What connections are there between these literacy narratives and your own past as a reader? javascript:void(0);

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Introduction The reading and writing can help an individual to grow the mind. For the children, the reading and writing help the mind to understand own ability. Even the language skills can be developed through proper habits of reading and learning (Sadoski, and Allan 108). In this particular essay, there will be a detailed discussion on how reading and writing can be effective.